Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Excellent... Almost There.

Lets see... today, my band performed at a regional festival, only to learn that we ranked one rating lower than what was required in order to make it to provincials in May... so no band trip for me, much to my dismay. At the very least, I'm still with the marching band, and we're going on a small tour of Alberta in July, with our delightful batch of new recruits... they don't know what they're doing, but the fact that they're willing to come try and see what we're all about is marvelous...
... and little do they know, that once you're in marching band... there's no escape. Every time you hear music, you will subconsciously walk in time with it. When you hear a megaphone, you will freeze in a stand ready position, and look for where the sound came from, and if you're like me, it becomes awkward overcoming marching band reflexes of standing straight-backed while playing other types of music. A guitarist with his heels together looks most odd

That's all for now! I've got a new poem in production, but it's not finished. I may or may not publish it on here once I'm finished with it.

Love is fun... but sometimes, we all need our dose of lust, and here you are-
(Seriously though, this song is gonna get stuck in your head crazy bad.)


  1. That's too bad that you guys aren't able to go to provincials. But getting ready for the tour in the summer will be fun, right? If I wasn't in Color Guard, I'd probably be marching with you guys. I love marching band, even though I'm with the guard.

    And yes, I also march to the beat, even in hallways. I can't stand walking off-tempo.

  2. I think, subconsciously, most people walk to a certain beat... 'cause if you don't, you trip. Also... woo! Poem! Let's rob a bank.

  3. Everyone walks to a beat, the world is one big arrangment of rhythmic patterns and ostinatos; however erratic or steady it is..
