Thursday, September 1, 2011

We End Up Together

When you gonna do some damage,
Little Brother?
Now that half your life is over
If you're lucky
Looking at the trends of men down
Through your family

Boom, there go the treetops
Once more 'round the sun dried
Just in case you were not listening
I'm for damage
Sweet damage
Oh, damage
Sweet damage
Oh, damage

Sometimes, you just hear little things, short sentences, or snippets of a poem or a song that just cuts deep and rings true with your current state of mind. Right now, that mood is one of reflection and aknowledgement. Tomorrow, I start university, a new huge new step in my life. I'm very excited for it all, but I am a little nervous... I suppose I've never been one to back down from anything though. Better to just tuck in my knees and jump, I think.
Come the good or the bad, we're in this together. I love every single one of you, and on this journey... well, I'm looking forward to where it'll take us

In the eyes of the law I'm an adult... and maybe, just a little bit I'm starting to feel like one.


  1. I'll love this even more if you spell the first "here" as "hear", because that would be correct.
