After looking around a little bit, I realized that a huge (well, not huge, but considerably larger than I though) amount of my friends have blogs that they update on a semi-regular basis. They're very, very interesting to read, but in a way, I really don't like looking at them. They make me feel like I'm intruding on something I'm not supposed to have any part of. I'm in a place of their creative and emotional states that I simply am not welcome, and don't belong in. This of course is intimidate contradicted by my fantastic curiosity of what they've all been up to in the time since I've seen them, but it's all so bittersweet to watch these people I know and love explore and grow up.
I wonder if any of them look at me and think the same thing. I really wonder if I should try to hide this blog or something.
I guess it kind of goes along with what I was talking about a while ago though, with the whole "Clouds 1.2.0.". That post was made due to a friend of mine coming to a hiatus on the blag that she had been writing for over two years, and who's blog I used as inspiration when I started writing in the first place. Here though, those thoughts are juxtaposed next to the birth of all these new blogs, and consequently, the ideas and emotions from all the people that are branching out of all of them. It's weird, but I like it. Not being alone in blogging doesn't not (double negative?) make me feel like an individual, but rather, it's nice to have so many other voices alongside mine in this bizarre endeavor.
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