Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On Sex

I'm going somewhat out on a limb in saying this, but I'm gonna say it anyways: I can't help but feel that when people get going about saving sex for marriage that it just seems foolish.
The way I see it, lust and love go hand in hand, and one cannot truly exist without at least traces of the other. Does it count as lying or just denial if you say to yourself, "I don't want to have sex until I'm married."?
Either way, it hardly matters on a personal level. What does matter though, is being lectured about what I think is right. I get that sex it a touchy subject for most, I've come to terms with this fact, especially in the environment that I grew up in. Having a girl younger than me get after me for saying that saving sex doesn't make sense to me isn't just degrading, it's straight-up offensive.
There's the concept of innocence and purity, and then there's naivety, and I feel like with some of the people I've been talking to that line has been blurred by upbringing and background rather than personal judgment.

So, yeah, I'd write more on this, but really, I'd only just sound like a broken record. If you don't mind, I'd kinda like to hear opinions on this one

1 comment:

  1. My opinion is that everyone has their own opinions and choices. Sure it partially has to do with where your upbringing is, but you shouldn't be lectured about it. Everyone has their own choices to make, and people need to respect that. I have to say for myself that I want to wait till marriage, but I respect what other people want and do.
