If I were to begin writing fanfics, this would be the man they would star, and I would write myself in as his new love interest.
Snow Villiers- I can't explain or justify why, but after little over nine hours of gameplay, this man is already one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. For starters, he's physically really cool-looking. He's 6'5" (The tallest playable FF character so far, seconded by Barret from FF VII at 6'4") Has shaggy blonde hair held out of his face by a black bandanna, deep, but never cold blue eyes, and a stubble beard that brings out the shape of his chin.
(Good god... I do sound like a fanfic writer. I sorta hate myself right now.)
Anyways, the thing that really draws me in about Snow is his devotion, and amazing (bordering on stupid) to his own sense of "rightness".
In this universe, if you are marked to become a l'cie, you have two options- fulfill your "focus" (which often involves trying to destroy things, or hurt innocent people) which will earn you eternal life in the form of a crystal, or do not do your focus, and become a cie'th, a mindless zombie, an expendable soldier. When Serah, his lover, is marked as a l'cie, he not only promises that he'll do everything he can to help her fulfill her focus, but he proposes to her in a gesture of devotion.
Serah's last words are "Save Cocoon" to Snow, and her older sister "Lightning" before she becomes a crystal, dead to the world, but alive in the strictest sense of the word. I won't say too much more, but Snow becomes hell-bent on finding a way to bring her back so they can be together, and the lengths he goes to are kinda touching. He literally fights off dozens of police and challenges a god just to keep his fiance safe. Impressive by the standards of any romantic.
Anyways, I'm sure I'll learn more about Snow as the game goes on, but for now, I love him how he as, and I look forward to finding out more about him.
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