Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Silicon carbide

I haven't felt this way in a long time. I don't know how to describe it... scared seems like the closest word, but it doesn't fit the situation exactly.

The best way I can sum it up is this: Earlier today, my ex's new boyfriend was getting up in my face, harassing me about this and that, threatening to "kick my ass" ect, ect. After a short while of not backing down he stands up and says something about decking me right here and now. Now, I've never been the type to just take something that I don't agree with, so I told him to come off it, and that he'd never do anything. This agitated him more, ect, ect, and he started getting angrier, until I got sick of it and just shoved him and walked away.

I shoved him? What is wrong with me? I have never, ever done anything like that in my life! This is what I'm scared of- What on earth kind of person am I becoming? Why am I letting the little things and the little people get under my skin like this? I should be a better person than this, I should be the one to take the high road, not the one resorting the lowest and least admirable of tactics! What has come over me?

*sigh* That's all. As you can tell, this is something that has really upset me. At risk of sounding whiny, I would really like someone to talk about this with.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Chris, I hadn't read this before. Hopefully you were able to talk to someone who cheered you up. You're no less yourself than you ever were. Emotions change, and these things are inevitable a lot of the time. Sometimes people wont listen, and the best thing to do is walk away. In your case, he was in the way. You did the right thing.
