*please note, letter is real, but all names have been changed*
Hey Kim
I stole this idea from you. A therapeutic blog entry a day, keeps people updating, keeps the mind clear and helps to sort out your own thoughts. I wish you could see me now, what I've become. I think you'd like it. I certainly do.
I'm not quite the same boy I am when you saw me last. I've grown up a lot, but I've been taking things in stride. Despite what you told me to, I still cling to that glimmer of darkness, that pessimistic poetry in the death of every new sun. It's for the best though. I always keep perspective, and remember that for shadow to exist, there must be light to create it. Because of your inspiration, I've been writing more too. I'm not as good or confident as you are, but I still try... and just you wait, someday you'll see my name under "letters from the editor", or on the cover of that best-selling novel, and when you do, remember that it was what you told me that helped me get to that point.
Ah, Kimberly... no matter how far away we find ourselves, I can't help but think of you from time to time. Suffice it to say, you've effectively "tattoo'd" yourself onto my mind, and like ink, I can't realistically see you coming out with as little as time. It's funny... I can never write things like this with so much ease for lovers and friends, bur for you, it just... flows. Maybe that saying blood runs thicker than water applies inversely when it comes to words. You're water and I'm earth, but we're still compatible.
No matter where the wind takes me, or whatever my "hereafter" is, you'll always be a part of me.
Cross my heart.
Awkward smiles, you look past the facade and see what I'm really thinking
Eye contact, careful not to shudder with cold
Knees bend, faces flood with joy
And all I can do is wonder why in the world you're the one who sets me off like you do. Honestly... I read this and I think that we should be two sides of the same coin always at each other's back.
ReplyDeleteIts gonna be hard seeing you in person again, you know that? I could deal with it the first time, but this time its gonna be ridiculous. I swear that I have never lost my temper twice with the same person before. You're a first. Stop making me blow hot and cold!
Love you to death though, and I know that you'll make it as a writer one day. Don't give up. One day we'll both be successful contributors to our trade. And when that day comes, we'll still be family, and we'll still be friends. Things have certainly changed, but as you seem to constantly remind me: The old saying rings true... Blood runs thicker than water.