I'm so cool, too bad I'm a loser.
I'm to smart, too bad I can't get anything figured out
I'm so brave, too bad I'm a baby
I'm so fly, that's probably why it feels like I'm falling for the first time
Ah, the clouds. They accompany me wherever I go in good and bad ways. Today, it's a good one. The provide a haze in my mind that I'd rather not see all the way through. As I mentioned in a previous post, I like not totally understanding myself. Confusion is just one more cause of adventure, right?
On an unrelated note, first read-through of the play tomorrow... I'm the lead villain, so I'm sure I'll have more than a few lines... oh well, I have decent stage presence. I'm just exhausted, and tomorrow is going to be an ultra long day. Stupid marching band.
In all seriousness though; emotions, they don't make any sense, and I love it. Jumbled up thoughts are exciting, and there's few things more satisfying than being able to share a look of genuine mischief with someone.
A young woman quickly comes to the door, opening it and ushering the young man inside. As she leads him into the hallway, she raises her index finer to her lips to signal his silence. The woman then turns around and walks swiftly around the corner.