Tuesday, March 6, 2012

For anyone who is interested about following the project I mentioned in my previous post, the URL for it is 300loveletters.tumblr.com , and I look forward to the support of anyone who wants to follow. I'll still be posting on this blog with the infrequency I've been known to, but my main focus will be on tumblr

Have a lovely day!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

300 Love Letters

I have decided that the next thing I'm going to work on is a "300 Love Letters" style of project. My goal is for it to help me find new ways to love, and to express love to the world around me, while keeping my writing and wordplay sharp.
Honestly, in a lot of ways I kind of miss love, in the unadultrated way I could feel it when I was a little younger. Everything felt more honest and more personal to me. I want to be able to tap into that again.
Anyways, I'll probably start a seperate blog or tumblr for that project, so I'll get a link up when I do start up with that

Have a lovely evening

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Good news: I am home safely from my vacation, have a nice tan, and above all, have figured out where to draw inspiration from, and how to channel that inspiration properly. It feels nice to be able to... pick out that beauty again.

Bad news: I am crazy sick, and have two tests today... so, that'll be fun