A friend of mine wrote about how caffeine has been doing strange things to both her waking and sleeping habits and schedules. My relationship with the drug is somewhat different from hers.
First things first: I love coffee. It is arguably my favorite drink on the planet... don't get it in your head that I'm some kind of coffee connoisseur though. I'll drink any brown sludge-water you so happen to sling my way. Free coffee at an insurance place, six dollars for a cup some upper-town fancy joint with beans from three different continents, whatever. I'm not picky. I like it black, I prefer it strong, but when push comes to shove, I'll take anything
This, however has become a problem for me. You see, my base coffee intake on any given day is 3-5 cups, but this is a bad thing. It has gotten to the point where if I don't have a fix of at least 2 cups, I feel tired, I get a little shaky headaches start heading my way, and (most tremblingly) I feel sad, and generally unhappy with most everything. Now, these are the symptoms of withdrawal
Ladies and gentlemen, from an academic standpoint, I have a caffeine addiction... the crossroads that I now find myself at is this one: Should I continue drinking coffee, coca-cola, or any otherwise caffeinated beverage I can get my hands on, or should I try to cool it with how much I take?
On a completely unrelated topic, I am going to be attempting NaNoWriMo (For those of you who don't know, that is National Novel Writing Month (Which, not being a very skilled writer as I am, will be National (attempt a) Novella Writing Month-ish)). I'll give you more details on the scope of what I'm working on once I can finitely put it in less foolish terms, but I'll post bits and pieces of it as I work, and maybe once I'm done, the finished product.
Last, but not least, the game series Disgaea (4) has sunk it's horribly addictive meta-gaming claws into me once again. This game... man, one can literally play it forever and never run out of things to do in it. The plot follows the trials of a vampire who has sworn off human blood as he tries to take control over the government of Hell, allthewhile dealing with a plethora of wacky Japanese-flavored hijinks. If there's anybody who reads this who has a lot of time on their hands, can get a kick out of Japanese humor (with extraordinary English voice acting), and likes strategy, this is the game for you.
Alright, that's all for now, I'll be back with more things to say before too long
Have a delightful evening
~ Chris