Hey! I'm alive. Miss me yet, internet?
I don't really know why I haven't written. I guess I just haven't had much to say. I've been busy, I guess. My family is working, I'm working, and my senior year of high school is keeping me busy. I have the same friends, same dreams, same goals. Nothing's really changed lately... but I feel like that's something I can be okay with right now. I'm happy with life. It's just been one of those times where everything feels like it's all good.
So- opinions: What would be scarier: Learning your best friend is a serial killer in disguise, or learning that a serial killer who was a stranger was killing for you, y'know, watching you and taking out people who said something rude to you, or a co-worker who took that promotion that you thought you were going to get? Just food for thought.
Hum... Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is fun, but the plot is silly. Axel shouldn't be there. I could go off on a huge tangent here, but long story short an extremely popular character appears in the game just to please fans, and it totally wrecks the flow of the story and feels really out of place. You can just tell he was shoehorned in there at the last minute with writing, and it makes me sad that the writers sank to that level. I expected more of them, is all.
Okay guys, that's all for today. I'll try to start writing more, now that I'm done with marching band.
My sleep schedule is the wost. Whatever.